With the purchase of most bugscreens you will have a choices of attachments: Springs or Soffseal
Exception: Long springs automatically come with Radiator Only Vehicles.
They are cone shaped springs, that you compress slightly, insert into the grommet on the bugscreen, slide between the grill bars and hook to the back of the grill bar.
are rubberized cylinders that you slightly squeeze and wedge them in between your grill bars. They are great for usage with painted or powder coated grills. You insert the soffseal into the grommet with the triangular wedge showing on the front side of the bugscreen. You then wedge between the grillbar. The tension of the cylinder is what keeps the bugscreen in tact and from slipping down.
They are available in 2 sizes.
SMALL for grill slots measuring up to .350 inches wide- most commonly used for 1932-37 grills
LARGE for grill slots measuring .351 to .425 inches wide- most commonly used for 1938-41 grills
Example 1923 T Ford or 1928 Chevy
Longer springs are used. They have a 3” shaft. You insert in between the radiator fins and if can, attach to core support .If not, snip off the end of the hood and bend slightly until it fits where it wont’ fall out. Usually the width of the radiator fins is tight enough to keep bugscreen on.